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Monthly Archives: October 2008

orite, well on fa the last stuff, ive been experimentin to wether in need the walls or not, basically been going bout the uni armed with wooden supports that ive made – kinda like the ones in the pics – and taking pictures of these rested up against walls and leavin them so that they were supportin a wall, but now the walls gone kinda thing.

lookin at casting [yes more of that] parts of the unis wall and see what comes fa them.



new stuff up. 

kinda goin with an idea the the stucture  was set up for that just photograph, so its basically a temporary structure.

also incorporating different aspects of different building in to it as I’m merely trying to hind at what this structure could be as i don’t fully know what the it is?



anyway heres some imagees!




after workin on this self study based work for a few weeks now i think im finally getting some interesting work and ideas from it.  

The work is all based upon a photograph that i bought in a flea market in Berlin. The photo intrigues me as it shows a structure of some kind in the middle ground and i dont know what it is. The idea of not being to know what it is has bugged me all summer and with the first semester being a self study period, i decided to see if i can try and figure out what this structure may be and what it may be used for? 

ive started by using the image, well photocopies of it to try and come up with an idea of its layout, cutting up the photocopies and adding my own llines and form, kinda what i done last year a bit. 

been interested in what you cant see in the photograph, what could be inside the structure, is ther more of the structure,does it go under the hill?????????????????????

so right down to some proper business, last year i started to make work that was intentionally abstract, so that the viewer had to work for the information that the needed to understand it.

iv just came across some old pics that i got from the flea market in berlin and one of them shows a structure that is hard to see what it is or what purpose it served. I have started to make some work based on the fact that i dont know what the structure is, and that i need to pick out all the info i can find to create apiece of art that to me shows the structure in its true form………………….


So it basically my last ideas being flipped 180!

